How To Build A Magneto Magnetizer Pdfescape
Magnet Charger for Magnetos Magnet Charger I would like to build a magnet charger like the one John Rex wrote in the January 1989 G.E.M. I’ve wanted to do this for years but never could find a source for the wire needed. It takes 40#`s (preferably 2 20# rolls of #10 gauge heavy Formvar magnet wire. Where could the average man pick up some of this? Also, a good heavy 40 amp knife switch? I like this style charger because, as he states, it will saturate any magnet without removing it form the rest of the assembly. Any help or ideas will be very much appreciated.
Build a Magneto Magnetizer, Gingery, David J, ISBN Build a Magneto Magnetizer Many people collect and restore old engines and in the process discover that the old iron magnets in the magneto. How to Build a Magneto Magnetizer by David J. Gingery available in Pamphlet on, also read synopsis and reviews.
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-- Jim I made a charger like the one you’re building. I got the wire from a place that rebuilt industrial electric motors.
Told them exactly what I needed and they came up with two spools at a very good price. As for the switch, poke about in old city electric buildings or factory electrical rooms. My switch came from the electric distribution room of a local manufacturing company.
Siberian mouse torrent 19 gb. They were ripping all the stuff out and tossing it in a dumpster. Traded a dozen donuts to the wrecking crew for the switch. -- Nick Jim: I recently built a charger to Dave Gingery’s plan.
Simple and easy to build, 115v converted to DC with a $5.95 bridge rectifier, 2 spools of 6lb ea #18 magnet wire from motor re-winders. It’s safe, draws 8 amps, weighs approx 50 lbs finished and with a bar across the poles when engaged, lifts it right off the bench! You can’t pull it off. It can charge most mags without dismantling. The total cost was $48.00 having had the 2' steel cores in my scrap pile. -- Fenwood Fenwood: noted you comments about the magnet charger. I have collected all the electrical stuff and am looking for plans for the mechanical components.
Where would I find Dave Gingery’s plans? -- Sherm I just bought the book of his plans and instructions for $13.00 including shipping.
An outfit out of Oklahoma marketed it as a reprint. They have many more of them and other same subject area reprints at fair prices. Glad to hear some positive feedback on these plans.
It's my January project. The charger plans from the GEM are great, but I'm afraid it would pull my fillings out of my teeth! -- Will Here’s the link to Lindsay's books, they have all kinds of cool books including the one you're looking for. Dave Gingery is a genius when it comes to building stuff from scrap! He's got a whole series of books to build a complete machine shop from scrap with minimal tools. -- Richard Hi Folks, this is not meant to be rain on anyone's parade, but I feel it is necessary to point out a small fact about Magnet Chargers.
I have been a full time Magneto Restorer/Repairman for quite a number of years and have owned a number of original Magnet Chargers built by some of the leading names in magnetos. These were units built by the manufacturers and intended for use by their own 'Factory Authorized' service outlets.
Without exception they have all been LARGE, HEAVY pieces of equipment. The unit that sets on my bench at this time weighs 240 pounds. I am of the opinion that if Fairbanks Morse, American Bosch and International Harvester thought that a 25 pound charger would do an adequate job, that is what they would have built. I am sure that if all you want to do if punch up the charge on your own Mags a little, the $50 to $100 units will at least not do any harm, but if you are truly looking have a real magnet charger, take a long hard look at the one that John Rex designed. Please don't just take my word for it, ask any of the many Mag guys that are in this hobby, there are several that advertise here on Harry's site and I would be happy to put you in touch more. – Ted Two things go into design of an electromagnet. The number of amp-turns (AT) and the magnetic permeability of the pole pieces.
That will determine the maximum field you can generate to charge magnets. The AT is just the number of amps flowing through the coil of “n” turns (have to divide by the area of the pole pieces.) Having a large pole to charge a wide variety of magnets means you'll need a 'Rex' -type charger with many turns carrying high current.