Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Textures Serial Number
Eye Candy 5 Impact Serial Number. Eye candy 5 impact serial number Many downloads like Eye Candy 5 Impact V5.5.0 may also include a crack, serial number, unlock code, cd. Eye Candy 5 will be released as a three-part series; the first set is Textures. The remaining two upgrades will be released by the summer of 2005. Eye Candy 5: Nature will simulate fire, smoke and more. Eye Candy 5: Impact will include the classic graphic design effects that made Alien Skin Software famous.
This CD-ROM version of Eye Candy 7 Photo Editing Software for Mac and PC from Alien Skin Software is a plug-in for Adobe Photoshop or Photoshop Elements that renders realistic effects which are difficult or impossible to achieve in Photoshop alone. Examples include Fire, Chrome, and the new Lightning, Electrify and Cloud effects. Animal Fur, Smoke, and Reptile Skin effects are rendered in rich, fine detail, down to individual hairs, turbulent wisps, and shiny scales. Eye Candy helps you quickly explore and design looks. Effects are chosen through easy to recognize icons rather than text menus.
Presets, of which there are over 1000, are rapidly previewed by simply mousing over them. The user interface in general has been made more intuitive. The theme is less clicking and more visual browsing.
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Eye Candy conveniently scales effects to match the size of your artwork. The software is compatible with Mac OS X 10.7 or later or Windows 7 or later, and requires one of the following host applications: Adobe Photoshop CS5 or later or Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 or later. This version is for educational use only and requires a student or teacher ID. What's New in Version 7? Even Easier Alien Skin has completely rewritten the Eye Candy user interface to make it easier to explore.
The theme is less clicking and more visual browsing. Eye Candy 7 is now a single entry in Photoshop's filter menu. That means that you can explore all of its effects without leaving the Eye Candy window.
Instead of choosing an effect category by reading a text list, you'll see icons that show typical uses of each effect New Effects Lightning, Electrify and Cloud effects have been brought over, by popular demand, from Alien Skin's discontinued Xenofex product. They've been rewritten for the Eye Candy 7 framework, which provides faster previewing, better preset management, and easier experimentation More on Lightning Lightning is possibly the most realistic effect in Eye Candy. You can adjust start and end points for your lightning bolts, choose from a wide variety of different styles, and adjust attributes such as arc thickness, jaggedness, branching, branch spread, and glow intensity via sliders Navigator Once you choose an effect, you can explore presets fast using the navigator, which is a small preview that instantly updates. You don't even have to click. Just mouse over preset names and the navigator shows how the effect will look in your design Preference In the preference panel you can choose how the effect is rendered in a new layer. If you prefer the Eye Candy 5 approach, you can have the new layer include just the effect and not a copy of your original artwork Transparency Many Eye Candy effects use transparency, so the transparency display control has been moved out of the preference panel and placed under the main preview.
This lets you quickly switch the background between checkerboard, black, white, or a custom solid color. Additional Features Realistic Effects Eye Candy helps designs look natural and organic. Effects like Animal Fur, Smoke, and Reptile Skin are rendered in rich, fine detail, down to individual hairs, turbulent wisps, and shiny scales. Additional effects include: Backlight, Bevel, Chrome, Corona, Drip, Extrude (a 3D effect), Fire, Glass, Glow, Icicles, Motion Trail, Rust, Shadow, and Snow for Shape effects; and Brick Wall, Brushed Metal, Diamond Plate, Marble, Ripples, Star, Stone Wall, Swirl, Texture Noise, Water Drops, Weave and Wood for Texture effects.
Shape effects help you dress up objects, text and selections, and require an object with distinct edges. They're primarily used on logos and titles. Texture effects are used to fill an object or an entire layer and don't require a shape.
Once you choose your effect, explore the presets to choose variations. Customize your effects on the right-hand side of the screen using scroll bars for the specific attributes of the effects, such as smoothness, contrast, or highlight brightness. Some effects, such as Extrude, have extra controls in the preview for direct manipulation A Multitude of Choices Eye Candy has grown over 19 years to handle a huge range of graphic design tasks, from subtle extruded edges to glitzy chrome. There are 32 effect categories, over 1000 presets, and controls to let you create a virtually limitless number of your own styles Scaling Modes Eye Candy scales effects to match the size of your current artwork.