Libreoffice Hardware Acceleration

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Libreoffice Hardware Acceleration 5,8/10 6619 reviews

The hardware acceleration checkbox applies to Impress slideshows only - and there, depending on your operating system and display drivers, running w/o it might indeed boost performance (or degrade it) - it's simply excercising different code paths in your graphics subsystem. For most cases, though, having this enabled yields faster & nicer results.

Middle mouse button Defines the function of the middle mouse button. • Automatic scrolling - dragging while pressing the middle mouse button shifts the view. • Paste clipboard - pressing the middle mouse button inserts the contents of the 'Selection clipboard' at the cursor position. The 'Selection clipboard' is independent of the normal clipboard that you use by Edit - Copy/Cut /Insert or the respective keyboard shortcuts. Clipboard and 'Selection clipboard' can contain different contents at the same time.

Libreoffice hardware acceleration and speed

Clipboard Selection clipboard Copy content Edit - Copy Ctrl+C. Select text, table, object. Paste content Edit - Paste Ctrl+V pastes at the cursor position. Clicking the middle mouse button pastes at the mouse pointer position. Pasting into another document No effect on the clipboard contents. The last marked selection is the content of the selection clipboard. • This page was last edited 12:28:40, 2011-05-20 by LibreOffice Help user.

• Content is available under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPLv3), unless otherwise specified, originally based on help. 'LibreOffice' and 'The Document Foundation' are registered trademarks of their corresponding registered owners or are in actual use as trademarks in one or more countries.

Their respective logos and icons are also subject to international copyright laws. Use thereof is explained in our unless otherwise noted.

Costas 2015-10-03 20:35:16 UTC Hi there, I am having the same problem with stable release 5.0.2 Version: Build ID: 37b43f919e4de5eeaca9b9755ed6fe-GL Windows 10 x64, nvidia card What is interesting is that this DOES NOT happen on my laptop that has Intel HD card. What is more interesting is that despite downloading the same libreoffice, both my PCs with Nvidia have the -GL at the end of the build id and both have hardware greyed out, but the Intel HD laptop does not have the -GL at the end and the hardware acceleration is available. This seems a minor problem but running libreoffice without hardware acceleration feels like a step in the dark ages with menus being slow (the menu appears all black and flashes before the items appear). I spent 30m thinking it was my java but i dont think it is.

Costas 2015-10-03 20:36:52 UTC (In reply to Costas from ) > Hi there, > > I am having the same problem with stable release 5.0.2 > > Version: > Build ID: 37b43f919e4de5eeaca9b9755ed6fe-GL > Windows 10 x64, nvidia card > > What is interesting is that this DOES NOT happen on my laptop that has Intel > HD card. > > What is more interesting is that despite downloading the same libreoffice, > both my PCs with Nvidia have the -GL at the end of the build id and both > have hardware greyed out, but the Intel HD laptop does not have the -GL at > the end and the hardware acceleration is available. > > This seems a minor problem but running libreoffice without hardware > acceleration feels like a step in the dark ages with menus being slow (the > menu appears all black and flashes before the items appear).

I spent 30m > thinking it was my java but i dont think it is. > > Thanks I forgot to say that the laptop has windows 10 32 bit, the other PCs have 64 bit. Copyright information: Please note that all contributions to The Document Foundation Bugzilla are considered to be released under the, unless otherwise specified. Source code form contributions such as patches are considered to be modifications under the. 'LibreOffice' and 'The Document Foundation' are registered trademarks of their corresponding registered owners or are in actual use as trademarks in one or more countries. Their respective logos and icons are also subject to international copyright laws. Use thereof is explained in our. Skript dlya otpravki voln travian t4.