Kassetnij Pchelopaviljon Chertezh

  пятница 05 октября
Kassetnij Pchelopaviljon Chertezh 7,5/10 4318 reviews

FIELD: apiculture, in particular, keeping of bees in traveling pavilions. SUBSTANCE: complex has at least two pavilions. One pavilion has dwelling unit and suspended panels for forming additional dwelling rooms. Side walls of pavilion are composed of four modules, each having two horizontal and two vertical doors-flaps. Pavilions are equipped with heating system, ventilation system and power supply system with pulse generator for bee poison withdrawal. Dwelling unit has laboratory for reprocessing and package of bee poison. When several bee families are kept, binders with bee-entrance are positioned between beehive casings.

Binders have separating screens. Reusable underroof of beehive has netted window made in its ceiling.

Pavilion has extensible frame-platform allowing additional beehives to be installed during honey yield period. Screen for providing additional dwelling room is mounted on suspended panels. EFFECT: increased efficiency, improved bee family keeping conditions, simplified and convenient working conditions for maintenance personnel. 4 cl, 4 dwg Description Translated from Russian.

US embassy cables: Arms smuggling into Lebanon and the Gaza Strip. (S) IDI presented estimates of Hizballah arms in Lebanon, including a breakdown of arms south of the Litani River. According to the. Jonathan

Ze kwam binnen en keek eens rond. Nog niet erg druk. Ze zag Alayna en Artanis en zwaaide naar ze. Zelf was ze niet van plan mee te doen, dan zong ze liever echt dan dat ze playbackte. Bileti po ustrojstvu traktora kategorii a belarusj 2. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.