Broadcom Wireless Driver Windows 10 Macbook Pro

  суббота 03 ноября
Broadcom Wireless Driver Windows 10 Macbook Pro 6,8/10 678 reviews

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Boot Camp 6 also includes updated Windows 10 drivers for the built-in SD or SDXC. MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015). This wireless charger adds a splash. Are Bootcamp drivers installed? Do you see a Broadcom Wireless adapter in Device Manager under Network Adapters?

But something very peculiar is that not long after looking at the settings pane within windows, all of my bluetooth settings 'disappear'. I decided to check device manager and there was nothing until I checked show hidden devices I noticed all of my bluetooth devices had greyed out icons. I have no issues within OS X so I'm lead to believe that it isn't a hardware issue. Anyone else run into this? I've tried plenty of things now, from simple stuff like reinstalling the bootcamp drivers from a new download, to trying third party drivers.